AW3D sales team will be teacing a class at Autodesk University 2020

Autodesk University 2020, one of the world's largest digital design & engineering community events will be opened on November 17th.
Sami Harada and Mariko Morioka, from RESTEC AW3D sales team, will present an AU on-line class - CES468698 - title: "Bring Geospatial Data into Your Workspace: An Alternative Way for AutoCAD LT"

In this AU 2020 class, we will demonstrate how to consume various GIS data from best-in-class Autodesk design software, namely InfraWorks, Civil 3D, and AutoCAD/LT.
This class will be released as a recorded session, and can be wathced 24/7.
A realtime class Q&A, where you can directly talk to us, is scheduled on:
Nov/21(SAT) 4:30am (JST)/Nov/20 (FRI) 11:30 am (PST)
It would be great if you can find something new from this class to leverage the true value of AW3D dataset.

Please find more info. about AU 2020 event, class & registration here: 

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