♦ Preliminary agenda for Parallel Sessions

Monitoring Ecosystems and Biodiversities

Chair: Dr. Yoshifumi Yasuoka <Professor, The University of Tokyo>
Rapporteur: Dr. Doug Muchoney (GEO Secretariat)

Ecosystem is an essential component in our earth system. However, because of the complexity, locality and heterogeneity in the ecosystem, its observation and modeling seem to be lagging behind other fields such as atmosphere and ocean. The session will exchange information on current activities in ecosystem and biodiversity monitoring with conventional ground observation methods and with remote sensing, and discuss how to promote collaborative observation activities in Asian Pacific regions in terms of GEOSS. Finally, the session will propose recommendations for the future activities. The session will, in particular, focus the discussions in the following three fields;

  • # Asia-Flux Network for observing carbon exchange between ecosystem and atmosphere
  • # DIVERSITAS for biodiversity monitoring network
  • # Remote sensing for ecosystem and biodiversity monitoring.
January 11 (Thu)
16:20 - 16:50 Welcome remarks and discussions on the agenda
Chair: Dr. Y. Yasuoka (University of Tokyo)
16:50 - 18:50 Remote sensing; reports and discussions
Chair: Dr. Y. Honda (University of Tokyo)
Remote sensing programs for ecosystem monitoring in Singapore
Dr. L. K. Kwoh (National University of Singapore)
"Ecosystem monitoring & process studies with satellite phenology observations" for the GEOSS meeting
Dr. A. Huete (University of Arizona)
A challenge of global biomass estimation using satellite data
Dr. Y. Honda (Chiba University)
Satellite observation network for environmental monitoring in Asia
Dr. Y. Yasuoka (University of Tokyo)
and Dr. W. Takeuchi (University of Tokyo)
JAXA's Challenge for Long Term Earth Observation System
Dr. N. Matsuura (JAXA)
January 12 (Fri)
10:00 - 11:30 Asia-Flux Network; reports and discussions
Chair: Dr. Y. Ohtani (FEPRI)
AsiaFlux activities in relation to the carbon flux observations in Asia  
Dr. Y. Ohtani (FEPRI)
Strategy to evaluate the Global Carbon Budget of Terrestrial Ecosystem  
Dr. G. Inoue (Nagoya University)
HydroKorea and CarboKorea: Cross-scale studies of ecohydrology and biogeochemistry in complex landscapes of Korea  
Dr. Joon Kim (Yonsei University)
Situation of the terrestrial carbon/water observations in China  
Dr. Yu Guirui (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research)
Outline of "Integrated Research on Carbon Budget Management in Terrestrial Ecosystems of Asia in the 21st Century"  
Dr. T. Oikawa (University of Tsukuba)
11:30 - 13:00 DIVERSITAS; reports and discussions
Chair Dr. T. Nakashizuka (Tohoku Univ.) and Dr. E. Wada (FRCGC)
Dr. E. Wada (FRCGC)
DIWPA and JaLTER activities
Dr. T. Nakashizuka (Tohoku University)
Activities on biodiversity-monitoring in China - On the Chinese forest biodiversity monitoring network  
Dr. K. Ma (Chinese Academy of Science)
Activities on biodiversity-monitoring in Malaysia - Ecological monitoring of tropical peat swamp forest ecosystems
Dr. A. R. Nik (Forest Research Institute)
Activities on biodiversity-monitoring in Korea  
Dr. I. K. Lee (Seoul National University)
Cross-cutting networks with emphasis on freshwater biodiversity  
Dr. Z. Kawabata (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
Global Land Project and other related activities in Japan
Dr. T. Kohyama (Hokkaido University)
Wireless LAN for large-scale observation of biodiversity and ecosystem  
Dr. T. Yahara (Kyushu University)
and Dr. M. Hirafuji (National Agricultural Research Center)
Dr. E. Wada (FRCGC)
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 Integration of observation and modeling:; reports and discussions
Chair Dr. Y. Yasuoka (University of Tokyo)
ALOS Kyoto and carbon initiative - to the global detection of the forest biomass  
Dr. M. Shimada (JAXA) and Dr. A. Roseqvist (JRC)
Coupling between observation and modeling for ecosystem  
Dr. Y. Yasuoka (University of Tokyo)
Linking ecology, remote sensing and micrometeorology from plot to regional scales  
Dr. H. Koizumi (Gifu University)
15:00 - 15:30 Drafting of recommendations

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Resolving the climate change and water cycle

Chair: Dr. Toshio Koike <Professor, The University of Tokyo>
Co-Chairs: Dr. Iqbal Bg. Gen. Shah Mohammad Sultan uddin (Beer Protik NDU PSC)
  Dr. Tokunosuke Fujitani (Director, Office for Coordination of Climate Change Observation, Japan(MOE & JMA))
Rapporteur: Ms. Natasha Brutsch (GEO Secretariat)

     The Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) contributing to GEOSS was established at the 1st Asian Water Cycle Symposium, in Tokyo, November 2005, in recognition of the need for accurate, timely, long-term, water cycle information as a basis for sound and effective water resources and risk management.
     Demonstration projects have been proposed for promoting Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in river basins in Asia through application of integrated Earth observation data, model output, and downscaling techniques under GEOSS.
     In order to utilize the emerging Earth observation data and associated techniques from different sources, Capacity Building programs in different modules and at different stakeholder levels shall be devised and implemented.
     Based on review of the updated status of the AWCI, this breakout session focuses on Capacity Building programs effectively interacted with the observation, data integration and prediction projects under the framework of GEOSS.

January 11 (Thu)
16:20 - 18:50 Opening Climate and Water Breakout Sessions
16:20 - 16:30 Opening Remarks
Chair and Co-Chairs
16:30 - 16:45 GEO Work Plan for Climate and Water
GEO Secretariat
  Breakout Session 1
“Updated Status of the AWCI Contributing to GEOSS”
chaired by T. Fujitani
16:45 - 17:00 Summary Report of AWCS
17:00 - 17:30 Short Reports from Science Projects (5 min. each)
17:30 - 17:45 Summary Report of the Capacity Building Workshop in Bangkok
C. Ishida
17:45 - 18:20 Short Reports from Participating Organizations (5 min. each)
18:20 - 18:50 Direction for Capacity Building in Asia (10min.each)
  Flood Management K.Fukami
Drought Management C.Fu  
Water Quality Management B..Hoque
January 12 (Fri)
10:00-12:30 Breakout Session 2
  “International Cooperation for Capacity Building in Asia” chaired by S. Iqbal
10:00 - 11:30 Needs and Proposals from Participating Countries (5 min. each)
Sri Lanka
12:00 - 12:30 Supporting & Assistance Programs (10 min. each)
13:30-15:30 Breakout Session 3
  “Toward Convergence” chaired by T. Koike
13:30 - 14:00 A Framework of the Capacity Building Combined with the Convergence of Observation in Asia  
Discussion Lead: S. Herath
14:00 - 15:00 Implementation Plans for Capacity Building in Asia (20 min.each)
  Flood Management K.Fukami  
Drought Management C.Fu
Water Quality Management B..Hoque
15:00 - 15:20 Summary of the Breakout Session on Climate and Water
Closing Climate and Water Breakout Session
15:20 - 15:30
Concluding Remarks Co-Chairs

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Monitoring Forest Fire

Chair: Dr. Masami Fukuda <Professor, Hokkaido University>
Co-Chair: Dr. Orbita Roswintiarti (National Instituite of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN))
Rapporteur: Mr. Osamu Ochiai (GEO Secretariat)

     Wildland fire is one of the major and chronic phenomenona affecting many Countries in South-East Asia. Its effects are of great relevance both at regional and at Global level, like its substantial contribution to the global warming.
     Therefore the control of wildland fires is a very important and urgent function to be implemented worldwide, not only through fire detection and projected evolution but also by fire risk assessment and early warning.
     Sentinel Asia wildland fire Working Group has been established to contribute to control the phenomenon and started its work on improving detection using MODIS data. During the session results of a validation experiment performed in Kalimantan, Indonesia in 2006 will be discussed.
     GEO Workplan 2007-2009 fully recognize the importance of the matter and includes a specific task, calling for the implementation of a wildland fire early warning system worldwide, in support of ISDR initiatives and priorities.
     The session could be a key opportunity to improve regional coordination and plans, seen also as a contribution to a worldwide system.
     Concrete recommendations and proposals are expected along these lines.

January 11 (Thu)
16:20 - 16:30 Welcome Remarks
Prof. Fukuda (Hokkaido University)
Self Introduction of the participants
16:30 - 16:45 Sentinel Asia Activities
Dr. Moriyama (JAXA)
16:45 - 17:05 Working Group Activities , Symposium Purposes
Prof. Fukuda (Hokkaido University)
17:05 - 17:20 Break
17:20 - 17:50 Results of Ground Patrol  
Prof. Hayasaka (Hokkaido University)
17:50 - 18:20 Evaluation of Fire Detection using MODIS
17:50 - 18:20 Results of Detection at each organization
Dr. Nakau (Hokkaido University)
18:20 - 18:50 Evaluation and Improvement of Algorithm
Dr. Kushida (Hokkaido University)
January 12 (Fri)
10:00 - 10:30 Wildfire semi real time Monitoring and Modeling using MODIS data
Dr. Takeuch (Tokyo University)
10:30 - 11:00 Prediction of fire and smoke spread
Prof. Tanaka (Tsukuba University)
11:00 - 11:15 Break
11:15 - 12:45 Reports from Users’ Groups
Status of using, plans, requests of Hot Spot Information in each country
Dr. Orbita Roswintiarti (LAPAN)
Dr. Aswin Usup (Palangka Raya University (UNPAR))
(Science Technology and Environment Agency (STEA), Prime Minister Office (PMO))
Mr. Odbayar Mishigdorj
(National Agency of Meteorology,
Hydrology and Enviromental Monitoring of Mongolia Ministry of Nature and Environment)
Mr. Siri Akaakara (National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department (DNP))
Mr. Hoang Minh Hien (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD))
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 14:45 Reports from Participants of JAXA Training
Invited trainees (5 people*12min)
14:45 - 15:00 Break
15:00 - 15:30 Summary and future plans
Prof. Fukuda (Hokkaido University)

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Monitoring Earthquakes

Chair: Dr. Mizuho Ishida <Senior Scientist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)>
Co-Chair: Rhett Butler (Incorporated Research Institute for Seismology (IRIS) )
Rapporteur: Dr. Giovanni Rum (GEO Secretariat)

     Countries in South-East Asia and North-West Pacific are subject to geohazards, in particular earthquakes and associated tsunamis.
     There is a compelling need to better understand mechanisms and precursors of severe earthquakes and to expand and improve monitoring networks and real time sharing of the observed data.
     The goal of this session is to discuss the scientific and technical status and perspectives of the key components of an Earthquake monitoring and warning system and to promote further cooperation among the Countries affected.
     GEO Workplan 2007-2009 fully recognize this priority and foresees the definition and execution of an end to end pilot project dealing with Geohazards in SE Asia.
     To meet the goal of the session and with reference to GEO provided framework, Researchers and Operators have been invited to discuss the issues and to provide recommendations for scientific and technical developments, as well as future cooperation opportunities.

January 11 (Thu)
16:20 - 16:25 Welcome Remarks
Mizuho Ishida (JAMSTEC)
16:25 - 18:50 Chaired by Yoshimori Honkura (Tokyo Institute of Technology )
  Global seismic networks
16:25 - 16:55 Current Situation and future vision of the earthquake monitoring network in wide area
Federico Guendel (Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO))
16:55 - 17:25 IRIS and FDSN Monitoring Network: Current situation and vision of the earthquake monitoring network in wide area
Rhett Butler (IRIS, U.S.A)
17:25 - 17:55 Earthquake monitoring network in Indonesia
Fauzi (BMG, Indonesia)
17:55 - 18:25 Tsunami warning in Japan, and Tsunami advisory for Northwest Pacific and Indian Ocean Regions
Mitsuyuki Hoshiba (JMA)
18:25 - 18:50 Discussions
January 12 (Fri)
10:00 - 12:30 chaired byRhett Butler (IRIS, U.S.A)
  Contribution and suggestions to GEOSS
10:00 - 10:30 Nationwide dense seismic observation networks in Japan --- Hi-net, F-net, KiK-net
Kazushige Obara ( National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED))
10:30 - 11:00 International Seismic Networks of NIED
Hiroshi Inoue (NIED)
11:00 - 11:30 Observation of crustal deformation of the Japanese islands by GEONET GPS observations in and outside Japan
Yuki Hatanaka (Geographical Survey Institute (GSI))
11:30 - 12:00 Earthquake Early Warning --Information before strong ground motion
Mitsuyuki Hoshiba (Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA))
12:00 - 12:30 The advanced ocean floor network system in the Nankai trough seismogenic zone
Yoshiyuki Kaneda (JAMSTEC)
13:30 - 15:30 Chaired by Kiyoshi Suyehiro (JAMSTEC)
  Contribution and suggestions to GEOSS (Continue)
13:30 - 13:55 Volcanic hazard simulation using ASTER DEM data: an application of the GEO Grid Project
Shinji Takarada (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)
13:55 - 14:20 ALOS status and the latest results on its applications for geohazard or environmental studies
Makoto Murakami (GSI)
14:20 - 14:45 A tale of three marine observatories and the integrating cyber infrastructure  
Alan Chave (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
14:45 - 15:15 Establishment of data center in Asia and west Pacific area
Seiji Tsuboi (JAMSTEC)
15:15 - 15:35 “Suggestions to GEOSS”  
Rhett Butler (IRIS, U.S.A)

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Last Update:8 February 2007